(Follow this link to see the April 2020 Priory Newsletter where this was originally published.)
Before I dive into the matter of transferring merit, I have a confession to make: I don’t seem to be able to escape the feeling, sense, or experience that there is a Greater Thing that embraces and permeates all of existence and non-existence. This Greater Thing even embraces my minuscule little self and yours.
I really do not have any accurate idea what this thing is and I don’t have any proof, in a scientific or logical sense, that it is there. But, it is there.
I can say that my sense of it is not belief (like believing in a set of doctrines or ideas) and it is not knowledge (in the usual sense of knowing a fact or a concept); it has more to do with a bone deep experience. Maybe it is another kind of knowing? I am a lot less bothered these days by not having any idea what this Thing is and I recognize that it seems to be beyond and contain the idea making process. Paradoxically, we come to “know” Continue reading →