Temporary Temple Closure
“The light of Buddha is increasing in brilliance and the wheel of the Dharma is always turning. This temple building and this ground are guarding the Dharma and the trainees and all meditations and contemplations are full of treasure and wisdom.”
(From the ceremony for closing the meditation hall at the end of a retreat, a monastic week, or a training term.)
Dear Friends,
To protect the health of our Sangha and to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Portland Buddhist Priory is closed through March 31. The Priory will be closed today, March 17 through Tuesday, March 31. Over these next two weeks, we will evaluate whether to reopen at the beginning of April, or to extend this closure.
The temple residents are well and will continue to follow our regular schedule of meditation and practice and I invite you to take this time to develop and deepen your own individual practice by sitting with us in spirit, at your home sitting place. In addition to allowing our practice to help us individually during this time, this is an our opportunity to offer merit for all those affected by the coronavirus, in all the ways they are affected – medically, economically, psychologically, spiritually.
Over the next few days we will consider some ways we might keep in touch with each other as well as to study and meditate together. I’ll keep you informed as these develop. I welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Please call or email me with any questions. Also we can schedule sanzen (spiritual counseling) conversations over the phone or via Skype during this challenging time.
We had wanted to remain open as a refuge and safe meditation place for our community but, in considering the various government guidelines which have become more restrictive and the vulnerable health situation of Rev. Master Hugh whose lungs are easily compromised, it seems best to err on the side of caution.
Please take good care of yourselves. During this time, we have the opportunity to offer merit and compassion to those in our family, our friends and those we encounter throughout our days. May we continue to offer responsible fearlessness to our world.
Rev. Leon and the priory sangha.