Weekly Schedule
Monday Temple is closed
Tuesday 7:00 am meditation and morning service, 7:30pm meditation and vespers
Wednesday 7:00 am meditation and morning service, 7pm meditation, vespers, Dharma Class
Thursday 7:00 am meditation and morning service. No evening meditation.
Friday No formal morning meditation or morning service. Usual Friday
services, 7:30pm meditation and vespers
Saturday 7:30 am meditation, 7:30pm meditation and vespers
Sunday 9:30 am Meditation & Walking Meditation, usual Sunday services


Monthly Calendar
2 Sun
Priory Closed for month of January
Priory Closed for month of January
Jan 2 all-day
The monks will be resting and renewing for the month of January. There will be no services. If you would like to donate food for the monks during this time please contact priory via email and the food can be Continue reading →
12:00 am
1:00 am
2:00 am
3:00 am
4:00 am
5:00 am
6:00 am
7:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
10:00 pm
11:00 pm
9:30 am Meditation
Jan 2 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  Continue reading →
9:30 am Meditation
Jan 2 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
2 meditation periods with walking meditation in between. Continue reading →
10:30 am Festival of Maitreya Bodhisattva
Festival of Maitreya Bodhisattva
Jan 2 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
This festival ceremony, Maitreya the Buddha yet to come, is always celebrated as the first Bodhisattva ceremony of the year. The ceremony will be followed by tea and Dharma talk. Continue reading →