Weekly Schedule


For the week of October 1st through 5th, there will be no evening or morning meditation or morning service. We will still have Wednesday, Friday and Sunday classes with service.


Monday Temple is closed
Tuesday 7:00 am meditation and morning service, 7:30pm meditation and vespers
Wednesday 7:00 am meditation and morning service, 7pm meditation, vespers, Dharma Class
Thursday 7:00 am meditation and morning service. No evening meditation.
Friday No formal morning meditation or morning service. Usual Friday
services, 7:30pm meditation and vespers
Saturday 7:30 am meditation, 7:30pm meditation and vespers
Sunday 9:30 am Meditation & Walking Meditation, usual Sunday services


Monthly Calendar
Segaki: Festival of Feeding the Hungry Ghosts ceremony
Oct 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

This elaborate transfer of merit is intended for all those who have died, especially in tragic or disturbing circumstances, or who are in unfortunate states of existence. Using a special altar, prepared with many varied types of food to represent the wealth and nourishment of the Dharma, the ceremony begins with drums, cymbals and gongs played to focus our attention on doing the ceremony with care. Scriptures and invocations of Avalokitesvara (the Bodhisattva of Compassion) are recited as an offering of compassion, and we call upon the Buddhas and Ancestors to assist us in our efforts to help all beings in need of merit. Vegetarian food offerings, particularly a deceased relative’s favorite dish, are welcome for placing on the altar.

The ceremony will be followed by a short Dharma talk and a potluck lunch.

The Autumn 2017 edition of the Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives is dedicated to exploring many facets of this important ceremony.

Priory Closed
Oct 9 all-day
Meditation and Vespers
Oct 11 @ 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm

30 minutes of meditation followed by vespers, the last ceremonial of the day. Vespers is the Chanting of The Litany of the Great Compassionate One followed by other short verses.

Dharma talk
Oct 11 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

The Dharma discussion will be on various topics of training in the Soto Zen Tradition.

Meditation and Class
Oct 13 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Meditation, Mid-day Service and Dharma Discussion

Introduction to Practice and Meditation Instruction
Oct 14 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Meditation instruction and an introduction to the ceremonial aspect of the Soto Zen tradition. Please call to confirm: 503 238 1123

Oct 15 @ 9:30 am

Meditation, walking meditation and meditation.

Kanzeon Ceremony
Oct 15 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Since the teaching of compassion is fundamentally important in Buddhism, in many Zen temples each day begins with a ceremony for the Bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshwara or Kanzeon. Our Kanzeon ceremony is a variation of our morning service, emphasizing the scripture of Avalokiteshwara, a chapter of the Lotus sutra.

Meditation and the ceremony are followed by tea and a Dharma discussion.

Priory Closed
Oct 16 all-day
No Morning or Evening Service or Meditation
Oct 17 – Oct 23 all-day

A quiet day at the temple no services in the morning or evening. Please call if you would like to visit or talk with Rev. Leon. 503 238 1123